“We are delighted that Ariel Trust has allowed us to work with them and use their anti-homophobic bullying resource Denial 2. The resource supports young people within the school dealing with issues of sexuality and challenges unacceptable views that still exist around homosexuality in our society. I am sure our work with Ariel Trust will help our students accept people for the people they are rather than being prejudiced by homophobic attitudes.”
Ian Young, Principal, Rainford High Technology College

Denial 2 was launched during Anti-Bullying Week, 18-25 November 2013. The evaluation evidence below relates to the original Denial Resource. We are currently evaluating the new Denial 2 resource and will provide data as it becomes available.

Denial 1 was our first full curriculum mapped resource. The film and software explore the issue of homophobic bullying whilst at the same time delivering GCSE coursework / controlled assessments. The resource has proved both popular with teachers and highly effective in improving young people's grades. Evidence from one Liverpool school showed young people achieving an average increase of 1.25 grades when comparing their actual achievement using Denial 1 with predicted grades.

The full evaluation report can be seen here.

A cost effective approach
Our software packages are developing a strong evidence base that demonstrates that they are effective in raising academic attainment and at the same time changing attitudes in relation to key social issues. Our resources have been shown to be particularly effective in engaging and motivating young people currently failing in these core subjects. The resources help schools to work more effectively with this group and to achieve the Government’s floor standards.
Some of the key areas of impact are;
·         Improved relationships and behaviour
·         Improved engagement in learning
·         Positive attitudes towards diversity in society and the reduction of prejudice
·         Increased academic attainment
In addition we also provide customised training programmes for teachers to help them to embed the programme. These have received positive feedback from all the teachers who have participated. For more information on how to purchase Denial 2 please email  Rachel or phone us on 0151 707 8211.
“The CPD was in-depth and useful. The group discussion raised various important issues.”