6th Nov 2023
Ariel Trust is dedicated to enhancing parental engagement with the workshops and projects that are conducted in schools.
7th Jul 2023
The Women and Equalities Committee of the House of Commons this week published a report; ‘Attitudes to Women and Girls in Education Settings’.  The report highlighted the levels of sexual harassment experienced by children, from their peers, including harassment relating to the sharing of explicit images "Some nine in 10 girls and half of boys told Ofsted that they or their peers were regularly exposed to unwanted explicit images or videos”.
21st Mar 2023
Ariel is looking for primary schools in Lancashire who would like to pilot our ‘Skills for Healthy Relationships’ resource. We will provide you with training for your staff and access to the resources. All we ask in return is that you will collect and provide us with some evaluation data and feedback. Is this something you would like to learn more about? Please download the flyer below and contact paul@arieltrust.com for more information.
15th Mar 2023
This was the view of Merseyside Police and Crime Commissioner, Emily Spurrell, who spent time observing a refusal skills workshop delivered as part of the project.
7th Mar 2023
'Skills for Healthy Relationships' was launched in partnership with Merseyside PCC, Emily Spurrell and Liverpool Mayor, Joanne Anderson last week.  Children from St Cecilia's Junior School performed their forum theatre images, exploring themes from the animation 'Send me a Selfie' before speaking to the audience and media about
2nd Mar 2023
Merseyside PCC, Emily Spurrell and Liverpool Mayor, Joanne Anderson will be launching our new ‘Skills for Healthy Relationships’ website today (Thursday 2 March).
23rd Feb 2023
Merseyside PCC, Emily Spurrell and Mayor of Liverpool, Joanne Anderson will be officially launching our new ‘Skills for Healthy Relationships’ website next week.
13th Feb 2023
Following the disturbing events in Knowsley, which demonstrate the potential negative effects of the radicalisation of young people, Ariel would like to remind our partners that our ‘Skills to Resist Radicalisation’ is designed to support teachers to explore these issues in the classroom in a safe, age-appropri
2nd Feb 2023
You can engage with Safer Internet Day by registering to use one of three online resources, designed to help you deliver outcomes required as part of the Relationships Education curriculum.  Just contact trish@arieltrust.com
8th Nov 2022
‘Grassing or Grooming?’, Ariel’s resource addressing grooming by criminal gangs, has being highly commended as part of the Teach Awards 2022.  We received this recognition in their Wellbeing category, are we a